District Profile
District Administrative Office
1307 Dennis Way
Toronto, Ohio 43964
Phone: 740-537-2456
Fax: 740-537-1102
Toronto Jr.-Sr. High School
Grades 6-12
Forty percent of our high school students participate in the CCP program allowing them to enter a college or university of their choice several credits ahead of their peers.
Special Academic Programs
•Talented and Gifted students are serviced through accelerated classes, college credit plus courses, and a pull out program.
•The school offers a rigorous curriculum aligned to the state academic content standards.
• Teachers are committed to learning and strengthening their teaching practice through implementing Marzano’s New Art and Science of Teaching strategies, and utilizing Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS).
• The latest technology is utilized including distance learning, interactive white boards, mobile computer carts, chrome books, iPads, VLA online courseware, iReady, and Google Classroom.
•Fine Arts: Students showcase their artistic and musical talents through participation in marching band, concert band, choir, musical, and art club.
Toronto Elementary School
Grades K – 5
Special Academic Programs
•Talented and Gifted students receive services from a Gifted Intervention Specialist through accelerated classes and/or specially designed instruction in the regular classroom.
• Reading and Math Intervention is provided using iReady Reading and Math. iReady is an online, reading and math program which provides intervention and acceleration for students in grades K-8 students the programs provide interactive lessons, games, and practice for fluency, phonics, reading, spelling, vocabulary, comprehension and math skills.
Curriculum and Instruction
• Toronto Elementary School uses a comprehensive Literacy Program which includes Pearson’s MyView, Heggerty Phonemic Awareness curriculum, and Wilson Language’s multi-sensory, structured language program, Fundations, Pearson’s MyView program provides a balanced approach to teaching reading, writing, speaking, listening, and thinking through Reading and Writing Workshops. The program includes print and digital resources that enable teachers to differentiate instruction.
Grades PreK
•The PreK curriculum is supplemented using ABC Mouse. ABC Mouse provides a comprehensive online curriculum to assist early learners to succeed in pre-K.
• Toronto Elementary School uses the Frog Street curriculum. This curriculum is organized around 9 thematic units integrating literacy, math, science, social studies, social-emotional connections, STEAM, technology, assessment, and family engagement.