Karaffa Elementary

Pay Schools Central Used for Student Lunch Accounts
We are excited to announce that our district has implemented Pay Schools Central, an easy-to-use online platform for managing student lunch accounts. This system provides a convenient way for parents and guardians to deposit funds, monitor account balances, and view...
Parents/guardians of every student enrolled at Toronto City Schools will need to complete Final Forms online registration as soon as possible. The forms can be found by clicking https://toronto-oh.finalforms.com/. What are FINAL FORMS? It is a data management system...
Welcome Back
Welcome back to the 2024-2025 school year. We are excited to have your child in our preschool classrooms. The following information pertains to the students that will be car riders and/or walkers. All day students will be dropped at door #2 between 8:00-8:15AM. All...