Jr/Sr High
Testing Dates High School 2025
State testing will be here before you know it. Information about Toronto Jr/Sr High School testing schedule for this Spring is provided below.
Please click on the read more link to find out about the testing dates for this school year.
Pay Schools Central Used for Student Lunch Accounts
We are excited to announce that our district has implemented Pay Schools Central, an easy-to-use online platform for managing student lunch accounts. This system provides a convenient way for parents and guardians to deposit funds, monitor account balances, and view...
Parents/guardians of every student enrolled at Toronto City Schools will need to complete Final Forms online registration as soon as possible. The forms can be found by clicking https://toronto-oh.finalforms.com/. What are FINAL FORMS? It is a data management system...
College Credit Plus Program
College Credit Plus is Ohio’s dual enrollment program that provides every student in the state of Ohio the opportunity to earn college and high school credits at the same time by taking CCP course(s). This program aims to enhance students’ career readiness and...
Welcome Back to 2024-2025 School Year
Welcome back to the 2024-2025 school year, we’re excited to start the school year! Students can pick-up their schedules, busing information & Chromebooks on Thursday, August 15th and Friday, August 16th from 9am-1:30pm (please enter through Door 2). Any parent wanting to purchase optional Chromebook Insurance can make checks payable to Toronto Jr-Sr High School for $25 or cash. New student and sixth grade orientation will be on Tuesday, August 20th at 11am in the Cafetorium, please enter through Door 2. Students will receive their schedules, attend a short presentation, take a tour of the building, and meet their teachers to help ease some of their first-day jitters. Student’s first day of school will be Wednesday, August 21st, 2024. Students can enter the school building at Door 2 after 7:05am and eat a free breakfast in the cafeteria. Students will be released to their classrooms at 7:35am and the first tardy bell for first period is 7:40am, student dismissal will be at 2:40pm for bus riders, walkers and car riders. Please don’t hesitate to call the school office if you have any questions at 740.537.2442
ACT Schedule
Most students take the ACT during their junior year of high school but students interested in taking college level courses while attending high school should take it earlier. Students can register for the ACT online at www.act.org. Please see our guidance counselor,...
Hall of Fame Committee Seeking Nominations
Nominees may be student-athletes, coaches, and/or athletic administrators who meet the following eligibility guidelines for consideration. Student-athletes, coach, or athletic administrator who exhibited outstanding performance as an individual or as a member of an...