Gifted Education

Gifted Identification Criteria and Procedures

In the state of Ohio, students are identified for gifted in four areas: specific academic, superior cognitive, creative thinking, and visual and performing arts. In the Toronto City School District, grade level gifted screeners are administered in March of second grade and November of fifth grade. Students must meet the following standards to be identified as gifted. 

Specific Academic Ability grades K-12
Test: Terra Nova 3rd Edition Complete Battery
     Identify: Score of 95% and up

Test: Iowa Test of Basic Skills Form C Complete Battery
     Identify: Score of 95% and up


Superior Cognitive Ability K-12
Test: In-View Measure of Cognitive Ability
     Identify: Score of 128 and up.

Creative Thinking Grades K-12
Test: In-View and Characteristics of Superior Students (part 11 creativity) rating scales
     Identify: Score of 110 and up; and a 51 and up on the Characteristics of Superior Students (part 11 creativity) rating scales

Visual and Performing Arts grades K-12
Assessment: Scales for rating behavior characteristics of superior students 2004
     Identify: Score of 53 and up on Part V Artistic

Gifted Intervention Specialist: Melissa Brown

Gifted Coordinators: Linda Lenzi and Patty Ferrell at Jefferson County ESC

Toronto City School District Service Options-Gifted Education

Gifted and talented students need differentiated curriculum and instruction and support services in order to fully develop their cognitive, academic, creative and artistic abilities or to excel in a specific content area, including opportunities to exceed grade level academic indicators and benchmarks. These gifted services are consistent with the students’ areas of gifted identification.

The Toronto City School District provides a continuum of gifted services provided during the typical school day including such options as the following:

· Cluster grouping where a small group of students who are gifted is deliberately placed together in a classroom for a core content class (Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies) with above grade-level curriculum delivered.

· Resource room/pull-out program where the gifted intervention specialist provides specialized instruction to a small group of gifted students.

·  Advanced courses such as college credit plus courses.

·  Acceleration programs such as grade acceleration, subject acceleration, early entrance to kindergarten or first grade, early graduation from high school per the Toronto City School District acceleration policy.