Title I
Title I Schoolwide Program
Toronto City School District believes every child should have the opportunity to attain his/her full potential. We are committed to providing a quality educational program for all children. We believe that teamwork and collaboration between school and parents increases the quality and effectiveness of educating every child. We value our parents input and believe that a partnership between school and home is critical to provide the support children need to be successful.
Through the Title I Schoolwide Program, our schools are better able to address the needs of all students, particularly those students who are struggling with reading and math. Children who score below grade level on state and district assessments in reading or math receive Title I services in a variety of ways – small group instruction, in-class intervention, one-on-one tutoring in various areas of reading (phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, and writing) and math (computation, fluency, problem solving) according to their needs and strengths. Instruction is delivered by teachers and other staff who meet the highly qualified requirements. Progress is closely monitored with staff members meeting regularly to review and discuss collected data. This ensures that the instruction planned is meeting the needs of the child and promoting his/her academic success.
Parent involvement is an important component of the Title I program. At Toronto, we help parents and children develop successful reading and math habits both in school and at home. Parents have a right to know the teaching qualifications of their child’s teacher and to be involved in the planning of their child’s education. We encourage parents to be involved in these plans through volunteering in the classroom or programs, accessing resources and materials offered by staff, attending parent-teacher conferences, and attending family events planned throughout the school year. Working together we can promote a successful educational experience. Please refer to our Parent Involvement Policy and Parent Compact for more information.
For more information, please contact your building principal.